It is essential to choose the best formative assessment tool for your classroom to get better results. The good news is that these tools provide a meaningful way to assess student's understanding, monitor student development in a more interactive way among others. Besides, formative assessment is also essential in identifying the areas where the students are outclassing and struggling as this will allow the teachers to change their methods to meet the needs of their students. But one of the challenging things is choosing the right formative assessment tool that can meet the needs of all students that what works for your classroom might not be able to work for another classroom. Because of that, we are going to look at some of the tips that will help you in choosing the most reliable and effective formative assessment tool for your classroom.
The first thing that you should do to get the best tool is to determine your end goal. It is essential that you base your selection of tech-based formative assessment tool on what you would like to achieve with it. For instance, you can ask yourself if you would like the elementary students to show what they know at the end of the lesson. In other ways, you can want to embed an open-ended questionnaire throughout your lesson. This is essential as it will help you in choosing the right formative assessment tools that will offer you exactly what you need.
Secondly, it is also vital that you take the technology audit. This is essential because we have some formative assessment tools that will require all students to have an electronic device of which you should make sure that all your students will be able to have that because the equal opportunity to all students is necessary. Therefore, it will be essential that you take an audit in your class so that you can determine that tools that you already have in place and design how those tools can help you to conduct a responsive formative assessment read more now.
Last but not least, you should also identify the data that you need. It is essential to note that different assessment tools produce different types of data like you may decide if you will need a qualitative or quantitative data of your classroom. You can as well decide whether you will need a tool that will identify individual students who need assistance or a group of students. This way you will be in a position to choose a tool that will help you achieve your goals. Click here for more information :